We gather every Sunday morning to worship the Almighty God in the name of our risen Lord and Savior: Jesus Christ.
The focus of our Chinese Ministry is reaching Mandarin and Cantonese speaking individuals with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The focus of our English Ministry is reaching English speaking individuals of all ethnicities with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We desire to be a multi-ethnic community uplifting our Lord and Savior. Long Island Abundant Life Church seeks to be a family oriented community, focusing on the worship of God and the exaltation of Christ and the study of God's Word. Our many family fellowships focus on meeting the various needs within the Community in an intimate home-like setting, experiencing the love of God, and growing together in Christ. |
每主日早晨,我們聚集在一起奉復活的救贖主 - 耶穌基督的聖名,敬拜全能的神。
我們的華語事工主要向說華語(包括粵語)的人士傳福音。我們的英文事工主要是向講英語的人士傳耶穌基督的福音。我們渴望教會成為萬國萬族敬拜神、高舉基督的群體。 長島豐盛生命教會所尋求的是家庭導向的群體,看重敬拜神、高舉耶穌和學習神的話。因應社區中各種的需求,我們組成溫馨的各個團契,帶領大家一起經歷神的愛,並在基督裡成長。 |