Junior Worship
The children (1st-5th grade) worship together from 10:00 - 11:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall. In Junior Worship the children experience a Worship Service created just for them! They have a time of worship, prayer, offering, and an exciting message is shared to help teach the children Biblical truths and prepare them to be part of the Adult Worship Service. A separate Preschool Junior Worship for Preschoolers age 3-6 years in Room 201. Children's Sunday School immediately follows at 11:30 AM. Our teachers bring the children directly from Junior Worship to their respective Sunday School classes, so parents can continue to fellowship together during this transition time. For more information please contact our Children's Ministry. 兒童崇拜 於主日上午10時至11時半在Marie堂的交誼廳進行。當中有崇拜,禱告和奉獻,還有扣人心弦的聖經真理分享,孩子們將感受這是為他們量身製作的!同時也是為他們將來加入成人崇拜的預備工作。 兒童主日學 緊接著兒童崇拜之後於上午11時半進行,由各班級老師直接帶領孩童到不同的主日學課室,家長們在這段時間可與其他弟兄姊妹有團契時間。 詳情可洽詢兒童事工聯絡人 |