Mission Statement
To know God and make Him known It is the purpose of the Long Island Abundant Life Church to bring God’s people into the fellowship of Jesus Christ, train them in the discipleship of the Lord, equip them for good and faithful stewardship, and mobilize them for effective ambassadorship, so that their daily life would be a consistent worship of the Almighty God. |
認識神並傳揚祂 長島豐盛生命教會的目的是要使屬神的人在耶穌基督裡享受 團契相交生活,門徒訓練教導他們在真道上長大 成熟,裝備他們成為忠心良善的管家,動員他們去 有效地見證與宣道,以至於他們在日常生活中會 持續並一致地服事、敬拜那獨一的真神。 |