_::Our Vision::
We exist to glorify God by growing to be more like Jesus, bringing others to Jesus Christ, building relationships with others, and serving the church and the community. As a community of believers, we have a dream: to be closely knit together with a love for God, each other, and a desire to share that love with our community.
We exist to glorify God by growing to be more like Jesus, bringing others to Jesus Christ, building relationships with others, and serving the church and the community. As a community of believers, we have a dream: to be closely knit together with a love for God, each other, and a desire to share that love with our community.
_::Our Goals::
As a community of believers, we have a dream: We want to become more like the Jesus we follow every single day. We want to have a hunger and thirst for the truth of God. (Matthew 5.6) We want to have knowledge of the whole Bible, how it all can be useful, and how it can be directly applied to our lives. (2 Timothy 3.16-17) We desire to be passionate about life, and help others find that passion. (John 10.10) We also want to understand that there are older people in the church who have experience in working through tough issues, and recognize that they can help guide us into a godly way of life. (Titus 2.1-8) Our goal is to be teens that are able to see the culture in which we live, analyze it, and interact with it in such a way that we know without a doubt the right thing to do. We will take every opportunity to grow more in the footsteps of Jesus, our master. (Philippians 3.17)
As a community of believers, we have a dream: We want to see teenagers from our community come to Christ. We will mobilize the people of our church to go out and shine. We will build awareness of a need through evangelism training. Our goal in this is to be teens who intimately know our God and our faith. We will be go out to our schools, neighborhoods, and communities to share the gospel with others, and bring them to a relationship with Christ. (Matthew 28.19-20) We desire to be teens that are fearlessly advancing the Gospel, because it is powerful enough to lead to salvation. (Rom 1.16)
We want to be teens whose greatest joy is to lead a friend or neighbor to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. (Phil 1.17)
As a community of believers, we have a dream: We want to be teenagers that give back the time and energy we have in service to others. We want to take full advantage of opportunities to serve in the context of our church. We also want to have and use both the theological and practical tools needed to advance the kingdom of God. (Ephesians 6.10-19) We desire to be teens that are able to plan, organize and develop a ministry team and to be able to lead a team. We want to be teens that are able to be examples to other believers in ministry. (I Timothy 4.12) We want to find opportunities in the local community to be lights shining in the darkness and attract others to the Gospel.
We want to be teens that are known as servant-leaders in our community and are always ready to lend a hand wherever a need is seen.
As a community of believers, we have a dream: We want to see teenagers from every walk of life be willing and able to form a community. We want to be teens who are willing to be vulnerable and transparent, who are willing to help one another. We desire to be teens that can build each other up and are willing to spend time with one another. We desire to be teens that are willing to take time to point out faults to their friends, in the hopes of sharpening their character. (Proverbs 27.17) We want to be teens that can eat, laugh, and enjoy life with each other. We want to form relationships so deep and solid that they exist long after our youth group days are over and our time in the adult world has begun.
As a community of believers, we have a dream: We want to become more like the Jesus we follow every single day. We want to have a hunger and thirst for the truth of God. (Matthew 5.6) We want to have knowledge of the whole Bible, how it all can be useful, and how it can be directly applied to our lives. (2 Timothy 3.16-17) We desire to be passionate about life, and help others find that passion. (John 10.10) We also want to understand that there are older people in the church who have experience in working through tough issues, and recognize that they can help guide us into a godly way of life. (Titus 2.1-8) Our goal is to be teens that are able to see the culture in which we live, analyze it, and interact with it in such a way that we know without a doubt the right thing to do. We will take every opportunity to grow more in the footsteps of Jesus, our master. (Philippians 3.17)
As a community of believers, we have a dream: We want to see teenagers from our community come to Christ. We will mobilize the people of our church to go out and shine. We will build awareness of a need through evangelism training. Our goal in this is to be teens who intimately know our God and our faith. We will be go out to our schools, neighborhoods, and communities to share the gospel with others, and bring them to a relationship with Christ. (Matthew 28.19-20) We desire to be teens that are fearlessly advancing the Gospel, because it is powerful enough to lead to salvation. (Rom 1.16)
We want to be teens whose greatest joy is to lead a friend or neighbor to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. (Phil 1.17)
As a community of believers, we have a dream: We want to be teenagers that give back the time and energy we have in service to others. We want to take full advantage of opportunities to serve in the context of our church. We also want to have and use both the theological and practical tools needed to advance the kingdom of God. (Ephesians 6.10-19) We desire to be teens that are able to plan, organize and develop a ministry team and to be able to lead a team. We want to be teens that are able to be examples to other believers in ministry. (I Timothy 4.12) We want to find opportunities in the local community to be lights shining in the darkness and attract others to the Gospel.
We want to be teens that are known as servant-leaders in our community and are always ready to lend a hand wherever a need is seen.
As a community of believers, we have a dream: We want to see teenagers from every walk of life be willing and able to form a community. We want to be teens who are willing to be vulnerable and transparent, who are willing to help one another. We desire to be teens that can build each other up and are willing to spend time with one another. We desire to be teens that are willing to take time to point out faults to their friends, in the hopes of sharpening their character. (Proverbs 27.17) We want to be teens that can eat, laugh, and enjoy life with each other. We want to form relationships so deep and solid that they exist long after our youth group days are over and our time in the adult world has begun.