Directions to LIALC
Go on LIE (I-495) to exit 41S or Northern State Parkway to exit 35S. Get on Broadway (route 106/107). When the road splits, bear left and stay on route 107. After under a railroad overpass, turn left at the 2nd traffic light onto East Marie Street. Our church building is on right hand side; A parking lot is behind it. Parking is free on weekends and after 4:00 PM every day. 路線圖 長島高速公路 (I-495) 至41S出口後,接Broadway (往南行),經過 Sears 百貨公司時,請儘量靠左道接107公路,過了高架鐵道後,第二個紅綠燈左轉進入East Marie St.,教堂就在右手邊House Donut店的隔壁。再往前走100尺右轉,就有許多停車位 ,週日下午4點以後或週末免費。 |
Please press the address for map link 按地址即顯示地圖
7-19 E. Marie St., Hicksville, NY 11801 (English Sunday services held at 24 E. Nicholai St. except occasional joint services @ Marie) For GPS, please enter "7 East Marie Street, Hicksville, NY 11801"; across the firehouse at 20 E. Marie St. 導航系統請用"7 East Marie Street, Hicksville, NY 11801"; 在20 E. Marie St.消防站對面. |