中國擁有五千多年歷史文化,中文是開啟這浩瀚文化寶庫的鑰匙。長島豐盛生命教會中文學校本著社區關懷、傳揚基督的愛為宗旨, 三十多年來致力於中文教育。近年來的趨勢,學習中文越見重視,在全球各地迅速發展。在海外從事中文教學決非易事,但相信在學校、老師、家長共同努力和合作之下,可以讓土生土長的孩子們快樂地學習中文,並認識中國文化。除了課堂上的教學外,中文學校更舉辦各項 比賽和活動。如:查字典、演講比賽、才藝表演、 國畫書法、中國童玩等文化班。一分耕耘,一分收 穫,盼莘莘學子成績向前跨步躍進。 The key to appreciating the unique and valuable 5,000 year plus history of Chinese culture is through the language. For over 30 years, based on the belief of sharing the love of Christ, the Long Island Abundant Life Church Chinese School has cared for and devoted it’s time in teaching the Chinese language to the local community. As the world changes and develops, it has become essential to know the Chinese language. However, teaching Chinese to our children is an arduous task as they are constantly being submerged in a English speaking environment. Fortunately, we believe that with the full cooperation of the school, teachers, and parents, our children will be able to learn the Chinese language and culture. Aside from academic instructions, the Chinese school runs special competitions and activities such as Speech and Dictation contests, Talent shows, Calligraphy, and many other cultural activity classes to enhance the learning experience. Let’s work hand in hand and closely in order to face the new challenges in this new environment. Finally, we wish all the best to our children for many years to come. |