異端/邪教:另一個“福音” 加拉太書 1:6-9
加1:7 那並不是福音, 不過有些人攪擾你們,要把基督的福音更改了. * 基督徒生活网 异端辨惑 (請勿到下載區,大多已被色情站取代) *《真道手册》王永信牧师著 *** Cult 邪教 *** * Eastern Lightning 東方閃電 ('東閃'), 或稱全能神教會 等等 *注意:除非必要,切勿上其網站 * 蘇穎智牧師 “揭開「東方閃電」的面紗” 國語簡體; 粵語繁體 * 中信事工專員邱清萍所寫的 “裝備自己,防範異端全能神教會” * 良友圣经学院 "异端与极端" (东方闪电) 第11課(東方閃電)+聖經經文 *** Heresy 異端 *** ** Hillsong, Hillsong Church 請參看英文部分 ** *「無需認罪」的好消息宣教會 GNM (Good News Mission) 和其相關組織: 國際青少年聯合 IYF (The International Youth Fellowship); 好消息xx教會; 基督教引導者論壇 CLF (Christian Leaders Fellowship); Gracias合唱團等等. |
Heresy/cult: a different 'gospel' Galatians 1:6-9
Galatians 1:6-7 ... turning to a different gospel -- not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. *** Heresy *** ** "The Shack" novel & movie "Staying Outside The Shack" "Reviewing 'The Shack': The missing art of evangelical discernment" ** IYF - The International Youth Fellowship ** Hillsong, Hillsong Church ** * The Heresy of Hillsong * Hillsong & Man * Why Hillsong Music is Dangerous For Your Church * Hillsong’s Brian Houston says church won’t take public position on LGBT issues ** Bethel Church, Bethel Church Movement ** *American Gospel Book Review: When Heaven Invades Earth by Bill Johnson 9 Things You Should Know About the Bethel Church Movement *** Misc. *** * "What's the harm in Harry Potter?" answers these questions: - Why are so many Christians concerned about Harry Potter? - Are these stories any worse than other popular fantasy? - What does the Bible actually say about witchcraft and the occult? - Are there other concerns about the Harry Potter stories? - How can the church reach out to these kids? - How should parents respond to the Harry Potter craze? * World Magazine * Answers in Genesis * Should Christians Watch Disney’s Beauty and the Beast? |