Message from the Principal The Chinese language is the key to a huge cultural treasure chest of five thousand years of China's history. If there weren't any schools to teach language and culture, upcoming generations would only receive the benefits of only their local culture and language. To lose the opportunity to learn about the Chinese heritage would be a pity. In 1980, Long Island Abundant Life Church recognized that there was an opportunity to relay the Chinese culture and language to children in the local Chinese community as well as being able to share the good news of Christ's love. Most notably, all of our teachers are Christians and bring the children their heart felt enthusiasm, loving care and patience through their classrooms. In addition to classroom instruction, the Chinese school also runs several competitions and activities, such as Dictionary and Speech contests, Talent shows, Chinese Painting, and Chinese Yo-Yo. The school has a beautiful selection of children's books from Hong Kong and Taiwan that are available for our students to borrow. Parents are encouraged to read with their children as it stimulates and increases students' interest in the Chinese language. In addition to the current curriculum, topics such as Chinese history and culture will be added to broaden their knowledge. When the children are immersed in an English environment, it isn't always easy to teach the children about their Chinese language and culture. Our goal is to have perseverance so that we can encourage each other not to give up. The Bible tells us, "You reap what you sow". As long as we have the commitment of our teachers and the support of the parents, we believe we can move upwards against the current to transform a cultural desert into a cultural oasis. Let us work hand in hand to face the new challenge in this new millennium! Finally we wish all the best to our new generations! |
校長留言 中國擁有五千多年歷史文化,中文是開啟這 浩瀚文化寶庫的鑰匙。如果海外沒有中文學校,華 人子弟全盤接受當地文化,摒棄了中國的文化寶 藏,是多麼令人心痛,遺憾的事。長島豐盛生命教 會在1980年開辦了中文學校,以基督的愛關懷社區 需要,三十多年來肩負起對中華文化薪火相傳的使命。 我們的老師都是熱心愛主的基督徒,他們對學生那份 盡心盡意的教導和關心,往往令人感動。 海外中文教育是一條艱辛的路。在英語環境 底下,要使土生土長的孩子們學好中文,真是談何 容易!怎樣的信念,才能使我們勇往直前?怎樣的 堅定,才能告訴自己不要放棄?一分耕耘,一分收 穫,在老師的委身和家長積極的支持下,相信可以 使荒漠成綠洲,逆水可行舟。 除了課堂上的教學外,中文學校更舉辦各項 比賽和活動。如:查字典、演講比賽、才藝表演、 國畫書法、中國童玩等文化班。我們鼓勵學生借閱 圖書,中文學校特別從台灣及香港訂購了精美的兒 童圖書,若能得到家長的配合,抽出時間陪同子女 一起閱讀,定能提高學生閱讀中文的興趣和能力。 此外,我們將加強教導中國歷史文化常識,使學生 不單知曉中國語言,亦對中國歷史文化有更深廣的 認識。「學問有如金字塔,要能博大要能高」。 踏進新紀元,迎接新挑戰。盼莘莘學子成績向前跨 步躍進。 |