First of all - I'm aware it's been a while since we've done a Friday giveaway. Things have been busy, but be patient! We'll have one in a few weeks.
The Bigger Team
Something different for today: a short little Bible study on missions for you. The Mexico STM leaves next Thursday, so this is a very timely study.
Read over Acts 13:1-4 again more closely, then answer the questions. You don't have to put your answers in the comments, but please do let me know some of your thoughts after doing it, particularly on the final question!
How was their “home church” involved?
What did the church do before sending them out?
What are some of the ways that people who are NOT going on a missions trip can be part of God’s work in that trip?
Why do we as Christians “do” missions? (Feel free to use whatever Bible verses or other resources you need to answer)