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How God Has Changed Your Life
In our passage today, Paul gives yet another kind of speech - his personal testimony. Rather than preaching the Gospel straight to the people, Paul most likely knows that they won't be particularly receptive to it based upon their previous behavior. He does something different instead: he shares his story.
We've been doing a series on evangelism in youth group, and as we talk about the different methods for sharing the Gospel, we consistently mention the three tools that are necessary to share the Gospel effectively: a story (your own testimony), a message (the Gospel, shared in whatever method you confident with), and a changed life (if your life isn't changed by Jesus, why would you want someone else to know him?). We've been dealing mostly with the message in youth group, going over different methods to share the Gospel, but the story - your testimony - can sometimes be just as hard to share coherently. In light of that, we're going to do something a little different today. I'm going to put a "worksheet" below to help you to think about how to share your testimony. Take some time to follow the instructions and write something coherent down so if anyone asks you how Jesus has changed your life, you can answer clearly and concisely. Obviously this isn't the only way to do it, but take some time to think it through. I also should mention that I've shameless lifted this from another church's resources, but I can seem to remember where and Google isn't turning up the right result either - if anyone knows where it came from, let me know. I hope it's helpful!
How God Has Changed Your Life
In our passage today, Paul gives yet another kind of speech - his personal testimony. Rather than preaching the Gospel straight to the people, Paul most likely knows that they won't be particularly receptive to it based upon their previous behavior. He does something different instead: he shares his story.
We've been doing a series on evangelism in youth group, and as we talk about the different methods for sharing the Gospel, we consistently mention the three tools that are necessary to share the Gospel effectively: a story (your own testimony), a message (the Gospel, shared in whatever method you confident with), and a changed life (if your life isn't changed by Jesus, why would you want someone else to know him?). We've been dealing mostly with the message in youth group, going over different methods to share the Gospel, but the story - your testimony - can sometimes be just as hard to share coherently. In light of that, we're going to do something a little different today. I'm going to put a "worksheet" below to help you to think about how to share your testimony. Take some time to follow the instructions and write something coherent down so if anyone asks you how Jesus has changed your life, you can answer clearly and concisely. Obviously this isn't the only way to do it, but take some time to think it through. I also should mention that I've shameless lifted this from another church's resources, but I can seem to remember where and Google isn't turning up the right result either - if anyone knows where it came from, let me know. I hope it's helpful!
Your Story – God’s Story
When Paul shared his faith in Jesus Christ, he often shared his personal experience, his testimony, his story. Being able to verbalize your experience of knowing Christ to another will help them better understand the Good News you believe in.
Your testimony, your story should be 3-5 minutes long and should address three areas:
- Before you met Christ
- How you came to know Christ
- Your life since you’ve met Christ
Write a paragraph answering each of these points:
1. Describe your life before you received Christ—your attitudes, your problems, the things you were searching for, etc… (no need to dump out all your garbage though, it isn’t necessary).
2. Explain how and why you became interested in knowing God personally. Explain clearly how you believed in and received Christ. Even sharing the words you used when you prayed to receive Christ can help others understand how they can believe and pray to receive Christ.
3. Describe your life since you have received Christ –your attitudes, your perspective on life and perspective on your problems. In what areas has Christ specifically made a difference? What are some areas of spiritual growth? How are you changing? What you still battle with.
Helpful Hints:
- Center your testimony on Jesus, not on yourself—He is the one who is great.
- Use a theme in your testimony. Relate some of the needs Christ has met in question 3 to the needs you had before you received Christ in point 1.
- If you received Christ at a very young age and point 1 is not nearly as defined, then emphasize your Christian growth.
- Be creative! Help illustrate your experience with a story, the words of a song, or maybe a theme from a movie.
- Begin with an attention getting sentence.
- Give enough details to arouse interest – just don’t make them up!
- Use one or two scriptures (eternal life).
- Finish with a good conclusion relating back to the first sentence.
- Avoid “churchy” words and phrases: saved, born again, blessed, praise the Lord, sanctified, etc.
- Don’t be too wordy or beat around the bush.
- Don’t mention church denominations – these are not important.
- Don’t give impression the Christian life is a bed of roses.
- Share your testimony with another Christian friend, or your parents, or your youth leaders. Ask others to clarify your communication.
Once you have written out and thought through your testimony you will be able to share it with anyone at any time!!!
“…always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks
you to give the reason for the hope that you have…” I Peter 3:15
When Paul shared his faith in Jesus Christ, he often shared his personal experience, his testimony, his story. Being able to verbalize your experience of knowing Christ to another will help them better understand the Good News you believe in.
Your testimony, your story should be 3-5 minutes long and should address three areas:
- Before you met Christ
- How you came to know Christ
- Your life since you’ve met Christ
Write a paragraph answering each of these points:
1. Describe your life before you received Christ—your attitudes, your problems, the things you were searching for, etc… (no need to dump out all your garbage though, it isn’t necessary).
2. Explain how and why you became interested in knowing God personally. Explain clearly how you believed in and received Christ. Even sharing the words you used when you prayed to receive Christ can help others understand how they can believe and pray to receive Christ.
3. Describe your life since you have received Christ –your attitudes, your perspective on life and perspective on your problems. In what areas has Christ specifically made a difference? What are some areas of spiritual growth? How are you changing? What you still battle with.
Helpful Hints:
- Center your testimony on Jesus, not on yourself—He is the one who is great.
- Use a theme in your testimony. Relate some of the needs Christ has met in question 3 to the needs you had before you received Christ in point 1.
- If you received Christ at a very young age and point 1 is not nearly as defined, then emphasize your Christian growth.
- Be creative! Help illustrate your experience with a story, the words of a song, or maybe a theme from a movie.
- Begin with an attention getting sentence.
- Give enough details to arouse interest – just don’t make them up!
- Use one or two scriptures (eternal life).
- Finish with a good conclusion relating back to the first sentence.
- Avoid “churchy” words and phrases: saved, born again, blessed, praise the Lord, sanctified, etc.
- Don’t be too wordy or beat around the bush.
- Don’t mention church denominations – these are not important.
- Don’t give impression the Christian life is a bed of roses.
- Share your testimony with another Christian friend, or your parents, or your youth leaders. Ask others to clarify your communication.
Once you have written out and thought through your testimony you will be able to share it with anyone at any time!!!
“…always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks
you to give the reason for the hope that you have…” I Peter 3:15