Money and Lies
First, a question:
4:32-37 - Do you think the early Christians practiced a form of socialism/communism? Or was it something different? Why or why not?
Second, the story of Ananias and Sapphira is definitely very different than most things we read in the New Testament - it's not often that people are struck dead. The NIVAC Acts commentary has some helpful thoughts:
"Five important truths emerge from Peter’s words to Ananias in 5:3.
(1) Satan had so filled and controlled Ananias’s heart that he was carried away in his actions.
(2) Satan’s activity does not remove culpability from Ananias. Verse 3 attributes the act to Satan’s infilling, but verse 4 places responsibility for his action squarely on Ananias.
(3) The most serious thing Ananias did was to lie to the Holy Spirit, not keep back part of the money. Later Peter said that he could have done whatever he wanted with his money (v. 4).
(4) When we lie to the church, we lie to the Holy Spirit. We see the developing theology of the church here. In 5:11 we find the first of twenty-three times that the word ekklesia appears in Acts. Saul/Paul finds out later that when he persecuted the church, he was persecuting Jesus (9:4). Later he expresses the treasured teaching that the church is the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:27; Eph. 4:12; 5:23).
(5) Since giving everything was not mandatory (v. 4), the particular desire that Satan had filled Ananias and Sapphira with was the desire for recognition by the church. They lied to win the same sort of esteem that Barnabas had won in the church." [1]
It was never about the money. God doesn't need money. But what Ananias and Sapphira did was to try to make people impressed with their sacrifice, all the while trying to keep their comfort. Who are you trying to impress? God or others? I don't think God is going to strike you dead, but I do think that wrong motives such as these can lead to spiritual deadness. As we read recently, Church is not about being awesome or loved by people, but about Jesus. Do what you do for HIM, not for the esteem of others.