A New Command
Love one another. That is how the world will know that we know Jesus. One could argue that the nation of Israel was set apart from the other nations by the Law. Jesus says that this is a NEW era: one in which the people of God will be known by their love.
So....are we? Are we as Christians known by our love for one another? If someone were asked to describe LIALC in a single word, would that word be love? If someone were asked to describe YOU, would "love" be anywhere near the top of the list?
We are not known by our policies, money, nice buildings, wisdom, education, outreach programs, or anything else. Jesus says that we will be known as His disciples because we LOVE ONE ANOTHER. 1 John 4:20 tells it like it is: "If you say you love God but hate your brother, you're a liar." I know personally that I (and I think we as a whole) have our priorities are out of whack. When Jesus changes us He transforms us into people that are radically forgiving and loving, not people who are skilled, talented, intelligent, or who "know our rights". The Bible is clear: when we chose Jesus, we gave up our rights. We gave up our own lives to receive something better. Yet we try to be awesome and smart and somehow end up leaving out "loving".
I don't really know what else to say. We should be known by our love and we aren't. We can only appeal to grace of God to save us, for we are truly miserable sinners. I think that God's power and grace are the only things that stand a chance at all of softening our hearts, which have been so hard for so long.