He Has Overcome
"Take heart; I have overcome the world." -John 16:33
How could I not post this song today? How could you not love this song? Jesus is victorious!
"Take Heart" by Hillsong United:
Click here to read today's passage on Bible Gateway. He Has Overcome "Take heart; I have overcome the world." -John 16:33 How could I not post this song today? How could you not love this song? Jesus is victorious! "Take Heart" by Hillsong United:
6/16/2012 12:40:22 am
We were talking about the sorrow and joy dynamic a little bit at S&L today in Acts 5, where the apostles are persecuted.
6/20/2012 12:53:53 pm
I would say that asking something "in Jesus' name" presupposes that you're asking something that Jesus would agree to and want as well, primarily to make the Good News known and that God would be glorified.
6/16/2012 12:48:14 am
I'll tell you what I'm asking for! The finest quality oats, corn, and hay that money can buy! I'm sick and tired of Andrei feeding me low quality oats and insisting that I balance my diet with grass on the pasture! I'm a spoiled, pouting donkey, and I want the best!
6/16/2012 09:14:18 pm
Glad to still see you here. I wonder if Peter Pan is here now.
6/16/2012 12:49:54 am
Now, now, Eeyore. You know I love you, and I make you graze because I want you to be healthy. Besides, you also need to exercise; donkeys put on weight easily and have a hard time losing it. I'm following all the steps on this guide (http://www.wikihow.com/Care-for-a-Donkey) because I want you to be the healthiest donkey you can be. Comments are closed.