Keep Your Lamps Burning
"We will be held accountable to the Lord at his return. This concept is frightening only if we have something to fear because we are unfaithful. With his return comes the hope of casting off our sinful humanity for a glorified and purified existence forever with God. These texts exhort us to live like what we shall become. If we live righteously, we will have nothing to fear when the Lord returns.
Not everything in this passage warns of judgment. Is there a more amazing promise in Scripture than that the Master will serve the faithful at the table?
...So we serve and wait expectantly, not knowing exactly when he may return. This uncertainty has a warning with it. Though Scripture tells us to keep watching and be ready, it compares Jesus’ return to a thief in the night. We cannot know exactly when he will return, and we should be suspicious of anyone who dates Jesus’ return. Instead, we should concentrate on being faithful the whole time he is gone and look forward to the day when the master appears." [1] (bolding mine)
We don't need to fear! Live in expectation of His return. Live like Jesus is watching...because He is. This isn't a burden, it's a comfort! Sometimes we think of Jesus' return and wish it would wait. Why? "Because I didn't get to do ______" or "What if heaven is boring?" There are a lot of possible reasons, but I think it comes down to one major reason: we are being unfaithful. For the one that seeks Jesus on earth with everything in them, how could something we miss here compare? How could we worry about a place where Jesus is present being boring? Some of this might also come from a misunderstanding/lack of understanding about heaven and the New Earth, but again, for those who seek Jesus, what is there to fear?
Live your life to honor God. Store up your treasures in heaven and you will have NOTHING to fear.
Finally, some thoughts from Randy Alcorn about perspective and what we'll remember in Heaven about our time on earth: