Just a quick quote today:
"We must keep watch, stand fast, and trust God’s timing with the reassurance that one day our deliverance will surely come. Events may be painful, for even our families may oppose us and hostility can reach the limit. Whether we think of Stephen in Acts 7 or Jim Elliott in South America, commitment to Jesus throughout the centuries has occasionally led to intense opposition and even to the sacrifice of the most basic of gifts, that of life. Christ’s followers need to have resolve to endure, a resolve that grows in the face of the assurance that God will indeed do what he has promised. He will vindicate his children. Thus, we must continue to walk with trust. Trust means continuing to hope in what we cannot see (Heb. 11:1). Yet even though we cannot see it, we can see Jesus, the author and defender of our faith, who promises that one day he will return for us in great power and glory. So looking to him, we serve and wait with great expectations." [1] (bolding mine)
We can trust and have faith because it is GOD that we trust in. It doesn't have to do with the amount of our faith, but WHO we place it in